What I Learned Today:

2002-07-14 - Today I realized that things in this world are probably better than I expected. It’s weird to put thoughts into words. Before today I thought of this world as a world which thought about only certain types of things but now I see it as something more complex, a world where there is some structure and not just pre selected normal events happening. It actually feels weird to be writing right now since I have not in so long; I think it will be some time before I can actually write as in more style. In some ways I think that taking certain chemicals enhances the way I see the world. It makes me feel like I can observe I more to how I want to see it and not to the norm. I wonder a lot how other people see me and what they think of me as a person. I can see some people thinking that my lifestyle is a little different than the norm and maybe in turn that confuses me into thinking what other people think about this matter. One of my biggest questions I ask myself is are others really thinking what I think they are thinking or are they thinking something different. My mentality shows me that I should be correct 100% of the time but then I think how correct my mentality of thinking is... I am wondering by typing down my thoughts when I have them and then seeing them in the future will enable me to better understand myself and how I think...

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